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Don't just block ads.
Block tech.

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Upgrade your ad blocking

Safe. Fast.
And has super powers.

Tired of seeing ads sneak past your adblocker? That's because you're using yesterday's ad blocker.

Ads are more sophisticated than they used to be. Ads aren't just images anymore. They're tiny pieces of software.

You need more than an adblocker that blocks images. You need an adblocker that blocks tech.

See the Techblocker advantage


Ordinary Ad Blockers

Blocks ads
Blocks tracking requests
Blocks video ads
Blocks ads on social media
Protection from malicious ads
Intelligent anti-adblock bypass
Identifies ad reinsertion scripts
Smart whitelisting
Awesome support
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Join the TechBlocker revolution!

There's a reason TechBlocker has experienced over 200% growth every month of 2017:

It just works.
- Techdomain

Techblocker is 'fire and forget'
- AppWatcher

Installed instantly and does the job.
- Seth Wilson, EGA

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Instant install Chrome browser extension





No More Ads!
No More Tracking!
Get your web back!

About TechBlocker

You asked. We listened.

You wanted an ad blocker that made the web faster. You wanted an ad blocker that made the web safer. You wanted an ad blocker that didn't require you to search the web for arcane filter additions.

You wanted a web blocker that works everywhere...

Blocks ads on YouTube

Blocks ads on Yahoo!

Blocks ads on Google

Blocks ads on Facebook

Blocks ads on Baidu

Blocks ads on Twitter

Blocks ads on LinkedIn

Blocks ads on Taobao

Blocks ads on Instagram

Blocks ads on Tumblr

Blocks ads on Twitch

Blocks ads on Tencent

Most of all, you wanted an ad blocker that just works.

(here it is)

Download TechBlocker
Instant install Chrome browser extension

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